Future Plans
Looking ahead, FireOut aims to secure full funding to test and develop a system that can independently put out all types and range of fires, whether building up upon the current design or implementing a new technique.
Higher water output control: operate specific sprinklers depending on the fire location using control valves and communication systems; allowing flowrate control while optimizing water usage and reducing wastage.
Higher water collection: by using a central connected water tank system with a larger water collection tank near the community area for local use too. Tanks can be refilled from a safe distance in water shortages, then the control system can direct water to the desired location, while also preventing further construction in the safeguarded forest area. To add, due to the high humidity, additional water can be collected by condensing the water vapor available in the air using a mesh on top of the tower to boost the water collected.
Improved sprinkler arrangement: by including a design layout connecting the sprinklers above the ground at a height so that the fire on the trees could also be brought under control, this prevents unnecessary underground digging to install pipelines and saves the system from floods.